After Bartow Air Base (primary) and Goodfellow Air Force Base (basic) it was on to Sewart Air Force Base
at Smyrna, Tn. Hoye & I took no leave and proceeded straight to Sewart to find a place to live, reported in and
got assigned to the 331st Troop Carrier Sq. flying C-123B's. The flying was low and slow, but fun, and I experienced
a lot of good flying while there.
I was released from ACDUTY in January '58 and Hoye and I returned to Abilene, TX at which time I
started in the oil business like I had planned. The oil business went south in '59 so I went to work for AAL in
NYC, furloughed in March of '61 and returned to TX. I was recalled in '63 to either Chicago or NYC but I decided
to stay with LTV as I enjoyed my job. I retired in '93. I had transferred to the Naval Reserve in '62 designated
a Naval Aviator (no billets flying in the USAFR in Dallas) and was flying with the Transport Community. I
flew many trips into Nam and in fact all over the world as the Naval Reserves comprised the Navy's airlift capability as far
as cargo and personnel was concerned. I spent 25 yrs. with the Navy and retired from the Reserves as a Captain.
Hoye and I resided in the Dallas area since '61, raised two children--a daughter Laura and a son Blake.
Hoye and I were together for 53 yrs. until she passed after a short bout with cancer in January '06.
Lillian (a suite mate of Hoye's in our Baylor U. days) and I married in Sept. '07. Lil had lost her
husband (who I knew at BU) right after Hoye passed, a mutual friend got us together. And as the saying goes, the
rest is history.